

We have visited and assisted schools, children and orphans in Ghana (1999, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010-2015, 2017), Ethiopia (2000, 2003, 2016), Guinea (2002), Zambia (2003), Cameroon (2004) by distributing teaching and learning materials, clothes and computers. We have also assisted families who have been stricken with the backlash of the AIDS epidemic by supplying clothing for the children they have inherited due to the loss of other family members.

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The students are happy to receive supplies and clothes that were shipped by Age of Awareness

The students are happy to receive supplies and clothes that were shipped by Age of Awareness

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Visiting an orphanage in Addis Ababa.

Visiting an orphanage in Addis Ababa.

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Wendy with teachers from King David

Wendy with teachers from King David

Jacqui Brown, retired educator, enjoys the evening out with the students and school staff

Jacqui Brown, retired educator, enjoys the evening out with the students and school staff

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Teachers at Trinity Presbyterian in Koforudia receive teaching and learning materials

Teachers at Trinity Presbyterian in Koforudia receive teaching and learning materials

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Gladys, King David teacher, receives TEACHER OF THE YEAR award in honor and memory of Major Brown, educator.

Gladys, King David teacher, receives TEACHER OF THE YEAR award in honor and memory of Major Brown, educator.

A very happy King David Student

A very happy King David Student

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